Sunday, June 17, 2012

~what do you call...~

... a man who gets twirled around and around
and up and down 
on roller-coaster rides at the fair with his boys,
even though he can't stand them?


The. Best. Dad. Ever. 

Thank you for who you are and what you are helping our boys become.
I can only hope that when our boys are dads someday that they are as loving, caring, and encouraging as their daddy was. 

Sending love and wishes across the miles and around the block:

to my Dad, Ken
to my mother's husband, Chuck
to my husband's Dad, Rick
to all Dads...

enjoy today,
enjoy the ride every day to come,
enjoy your children,
enjoy their children

Happy Father's Day!!


Unknown said...

He deserves a medal for sure. I am glad Dave loves the rides as I cannot stand them :)

karen said...

My husband does rides as long as they do not spin. That is left up to me. We make a great pair! Love the photos and boy does it look like a fun day!!

Melissa said...

Aww!! What a great dad! My husband will ride anything with the boys except the ferris wheel. That one gets to him.

Amber said...

Beautiful pictures. Beautiful words. Happy Father's Day! I have the hardest time getting good pictures at the amusement parks. But every one of these is great.

Mom said...

These are awesome pictures, such a happy time for your guys. Looks like it was a great day for all of you. Happy Father's Day to your husband, he's a wonderful father; I should know, he's my son-in-law. Love and hugs, Mom

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