Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Summer break is officially here for the boys. And me, too. 

The past few weeks have been filled with tons of baseball games, practices, field trips, activity days at school, field days, academic awards, Poet's Wax Musuem costume , last day of school fun, making gifts for teachers and bus drivers, finishing projects and helping the boys study for the final tests of the year.

To top things off, sadly, I also lost my job.  My job that I loved and did well at.  I will miss the people more than anything.  Although I don't think this decision (from the higher ups) was correct or just, I am beginning to think that all of these events and errands of the past few weeks were a blessing in disguise to distract me from the storm that eventually came. As awful as it was, I could feel that someone was watching out for me and wrapping their arms around me and giving me comfort when it all came crashing down.

There was all of this commotion and tying up loose ends at the end of the school year and keeping me busy during this hard time and keeping my mind focused on other things.  All part of His plan.  I trust He has bigger and better plans for me and that right now I was just not needed where I was.  I have to trust, hope, pray, and believe.  That is what is getting me through.

As rough and hard as it may be for us right now, I look at my life and our family and our health and everything around us and I can't help but feel blessed. I am so thankful that I have those things in life that are truly important to me. 

So, today, when I sat on the floor and played baseball Memory with my boys.... not once, twice, three times, but four games in a row....I was reminded that these are the times I will remember years from now.

Making memories and sharing quality time with the people most important to me. Slowing things down and enjoying every moment.  Making lunch together, setting the table, going to ball games together, walking to the library, reading together, walking to the post office to get a special package together and all guessing what color the special gift will be inside when we open it (can't wait to share!).  Together.

Even though I've lost my job (that I had to drive to), I've still got the best one in the world... hands down!  No paycheck required.  I love being a mom. 

And my car looks just fine parked in our driveway for now.
My clean car, that is. 



Amber said...

That sounds like a busy (and stressful) end to the school year! I'm keeping you in my heart as you navigate the new road ahead. May all the right doors be opened for you at the right times. You're certainly doing a great job as a mom. Your boys look so happy.

Kim said...

So sorry about your job, not easy I am sure, but I love that you are looking at the bright side and trusting that this is all part of the plan.

Enjoy the time with your boys and that clean car :)

karen said...

What a great attitude :) Sorry about the job but I believe other opportunities await you!!

Melissa said...

So sorry about your job, but there is something better around the corner...and I think you found it. Enjoy "Now" and the rest will take care of itself

~Kelly~ said...

Thank you, ladies, for your kind and encouraging words! :)

Lisa Coffee said...

Sorry to read about your job. You eluded to something about this a while back. Glad to see you embracing the change and I'm sure a break with your boys will be good medicine, for you all. Live and love it up Mama!

Unknown said...

I just love the first photo. So much baseball. I can almost smell the field and other sounds that go with the game in my mind. I am so sorry about the job. I agree that the job you are doing without driving is a grand distraction. Hugs!

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