Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Today at work we have an activity planned for the Seniors. 
They'll be dying Easter eggs.  On the invite I wrote, "Bring your own hard boiled eggs" and some got a huge kick out of that! 

I ran to the store last night and picked up the dye tablets and cups to dip them into.  I think we'll try the natural dyes at home with the boys this year, but they need to sit longer to reach the color.  So, we'll have to go with the fast dye tablets for today.

It's a blast working with Seniors!
They really are just grown up kids.
I have so much fun at work with this group of people!
You never know what to expect from one day to the next.
Or one sentence to the next.
They are wise, caring, loving, and independent.
And they are family.

Will you by dying eggs this year?
It doesn't matter if your kids are grown, if you are a boy or girl, if you are young or old, or if you've never done it before....
it's a fun time! Colorful eggs are just lovely. Just beware of the "Colorful Finger-Tip Fairy".  She tends to leave her mark every Easter!


Melissa said...

Doubt we'll be dying eggs this year. My boys are "too old" in their minds.

Anonymous said...

"You never know what to expect from one day to the next."

yes! I have a good friend who worked in a nursing home for several years. She had the best dinner conversations because her work stories were hilarious and touching all at the same time.

I can't wait to make some easter eggs this year. We passed on it last year- but the husband and I need an excuse to eat an unhealthy amount of eggs around here. :)

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